
Golden Tweeters: Favorite Frenemy, @JustASpur

Note: Golden Tweeters will hopefully be a continuing series about people on Twitter that I either already know or that I met on this intangible plane who I consider my personal all-stars. I have started it for a couple reasons:

1. As much as I appreciate the concept of Follow Friday (or #FF) I don’t think it really leads to huge long term gains in followers. These are people who I would never unfollow, even if they decided not to follow me (crushing my fragile little heart). For them, 140 characters is not nearly enough to express my admiration and appreciation for their friendship/wit/existence/general badassery.

2. Even though I make a living from writing (even creatively, mind you), much of it is of the lucrative yet anonymous commercial variety. You may have seen, read, or even heard my work (or horribly mangled versions), but my name is never attached to it. Sometimes that means I don’t have time to write for me, which is something I should, because I like doing it and wish I could do it more. So it’s a fun little exercise, which I’ll try to keep each entry under 140 words to keep the spirit of brevity alive.

If someone wants to take this idea and do it on their own, go right ahead. I’d like to read about your favorites too, and maybe you could hashtag it #140wordsaboutyou. I hope you enjoy it, and you never know…you might be next!

My Favorite Frenemy: @JustASpur

JustASpur is a devout supporter of the sworn enemies of my adopted favorite (Arsenal!!!), but other than that slight mental retardation, he is the loveliest chap I’ve never met.

We actually “met” at a virtual “party” “hosted” by @simonpegg late one night. Unable to sleep, I got so bored I went to trending topics. I can’t recall the #hashtag of the party anymore and I no longer follow Mr. Pegg (no offense, still rate him), but throwing in my bon mots, I developed a spontaneous comic rapport with this random hilarious dude in Toronto.

His tweet count is intimidating (75,000+, landing him in the virtual penalty box from time to time) but majority are timeline-friendly replies to his many chums.

I’m always honored when I’m listed one of his #FF “Top Blokes,” because he’s definitely one in my book.

1 Response to “Golden Tweeters: Favorite Frenemy, @JustASpur”

  1. May 22, 2011 at 4:36 pm

    Good evening,
    My name is Stephen Smith and I am a fellow graduate from the University of Florida (BSBA ’87). I am writing to you to let you know that a Gator Club (UF Alumni Association chapter) is being considered for Thailand.

    I ran across your blog on your LinkedIn profile when i searched for UF & Thailand.

    If you are interested in this, please drop me a line at at stevesmith@alumni.ufl.edu

    Thank you very much for your time and Go Gators.
    Stephen Smith

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May 2011